We have a team that specialise in costs arising from all types of Professional Negligence. This includes negligence arising from:
- Construction
- Financial advice
- Insurance
- Legal advice
- Manufacturing
- Surveying
Our clients include solicitors, banks and independent financial advisers.
Examples of recent work include:
- Recovering costs arising from defective building works. The costs assessment ended up being more contentious than the underlying dispute, with at least four days spent in court.
- Representing the paying party in costs arising from investment advice. Having made a sensible offer to settle which was refused, the case proceeded to an assessment in the SCCO. We successfully reduced the bill by over 70% and were subsequently awarded the assessment costs.
- Attending a Costs Case Management Conference (CCMC) in respect of a negligent property valuation. We successfully argued that the costs were disproportionate and the budget was reduced from £128,122 to £88,480.50.